Installation Rates
- Our rate for installation and general service work is $85.00 per hour
- All of the projects are overseen by Jesse Swinderman to ensure work is complete and correct. His time, in most cases, is built into the installer's hourly rate. This hourly rate does not fluctuate based on how much time he spends on the job.
- There are situations where a design fee is charged. This fee will be clearly communicated to the client.
- Typically the hourly rate is decreased $5 per hour per installer when multiple installers are working together on a given job: For example, $160 per hour for 2 Installers, $240 per hour for 3 Installers, etc.
- SES does not charge for drive time when a job site is within 25 miles of Champaign. Taking fuel and labor costs into consideration, jobs that are outside of the 25 mile radius are billed $85.00 per hour for one-way drive time.
- Some custom work and projects may require bids or quotes, and will be invoiced accordingly. If the scope of the project changes, we will work with the client to determine fair pricing for additional service and/or equipment.